What should you do after getting a Protection Order?
Family life will inevitably have conflicts. Sometimes these conflicts can escalate and become physical and emotional. Even otherwise reasonable people may take things too far.
Plans to Amend the Resource Management Act
One of Labour Party’s pre-election policy promises was that it would abolish and reform the current Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). The RMA was enacted with the purpose of promoting “the sustainable management of natural and physical resources”.
Which court to issue proceedings in?
It can be hard to know which court to issue legal proceedings against someone in New Zealand. Civil cases can be about child custody, employment relationship, domestic violence, property inheritance, relationship property, company disputes, contractual disputes, torts, motor vehicle disputes, and tenancy disputes. You can initiate some of these proceedings in the same court, and some in specialist courts. Today, I will briefly introduce the several types of courts in New Zealand.
Should you use a company?
What is a company? In order to discuss the pros and cons of setting up a company, we need to firstly understand out what is a company and why this concept exists.
Changes to Immigration Law: COVID-19 Response
New changes to immigration law came into force last Friday, 15 May 2020, which will impact the status of temporary migrants in New Zealand.
Section 61 Request: What to do if your visa has expired
When a migrant remains in New Zealand beyond the expiry of their visa, they are considered to be unlawfully in the country and have an obligation to leave. If you are an “overstayer”, you are liable for deportation. You run the risks of being arrested, detained, deported and banned from entering the country. Additionally, if your family or friends help you to remain in New Zealand unlawfully, they are committing a crime under the Immigration Act 2009.
Guide to Essential Skills work visa
Have you been offered a full-time job and have the necessary qualifications and/or experience to work in that job? Then you may qualify for an Essential Skills work visa in New Zealand.
Joining your partner in NZ: What you need to know about partnership visas
There are a number of visa options for people intending to join or live with their partners in New Zealand. Whether for temporary or permanent stay, we have put together some useful information for you.
COVID-19 and Your Visa
This article discusses some of the key issues and immigration policy updates to help temporary migrants more proactively respond to COVID-19.
What to do after breaking up from a relationship
Separation of a domestic partnership or a marriage does not have to be bitter. Quite commonly, people simply decide that they would be happier apart then together.
How to deal with domestic violence
Domestic violence can be defined as a violent act committed against a person in a domestic relationship. Domestic violence not only includes physical abuse, but also psychological abuse.
Talk to one of our experts
Richard Zhao
09 969 1491
Daniel Zhang
09 905 3687
Elcel Nerida
09 905 3685